While my computer is exporting some proofs for the client, I shall keep this blog up to date. Since there are no pictures this time (Boo, I know), I will share how I get some of the modeling/senior pictures I got. Wedding photos have a bit different approach, so I will write another post on that when I am actually good... :D
I try to stay humble, but many times people will tell me how much they like my photos, and tell me that I am so talented. Ha ha! Thanks, but I do have a few non-talent tips for people to get the pictures that others will like:
Know your camera/gear - You gotta know how to use your camera before you can take pictures. READ THE MANUAL! Know what every button/dial mean, and then learn what stuff they change. You can't really mess up a camera, so play with every setting in every combination (i.e. ISO/Aperture/Shutter speed). I am not going to get into the details of what each will do here (you can take me out to lunch and I will teach you what I can, ha ha), but you can find way too much info on that on youtube/google.
The subject - It's the truth, everyone likes to look at pretty people. Take the time and find pretty people and beg them to step in front of your camera, tell them in return they will get some photos. Who doesn't want pictures of themselves now that we all have facebook/myspace? :) Also, pretty people are much easier to photograph as you will basically just click the button a lot. Now, once you are better, it's the photographer's job to make everyone look the most flattering. I tell my models to just come in whatever, and I will make them look nice. So far so good!
Shoot lots! - There are no better way to get better photo than bettering your skills, both with your camera and people. You don't need a fancy camera to start, but the more you shoot, the better you will get, whether you like it or not. I have lost count of how many models/seniors I have shot, but I feel I get better with every shoot.
Sorry for the long read, I hope these tips will at least get you started in the right direction. Since we are on subject, I am available for hire to tutor you on your new camera or editing photos, as well as come along to your shoot to advice hands-on learning! Contact me for details!